Better Yourself, Lead Others
Personal Development Life Coach Certification

Welcome to my Adventures and Travels

Here I am in the waning days of my youth, and it’s about time I shared some stories with you.
One of my mottos is “Every day is a new adventure.” The problem is, if I spent all my time writing about my adventures, I’d have no time to have them. That’s a dilemma.

Passover: A Hope For Freedom


I could not, with complete honesty and compassion, wish my friends and family a happy holiday this year. Not while Israel is at war, and so many soldiers are away from their families. Not while more than a hundred of our tribe are being held hostage

Sderot: A Town With PTSD Keeps Growing

Sderot Children's Park

I traveled to Sderot, on the Gaza border, where I once lived. For over 20 years Sderot has been terrorized by Gazans who have frequently launched rokets at Sderot. Nevertheless, only a few people have abandoned Sderot, while the city has grown.

Letter To Alexandria

Passover Seder In Gaza

I composed a letter in my head to Alexandria while I was walking along a busy highway – lost, of course – somewhere between Afula and Pardes Hannah. The ordeal of getting lost in the Israeli bus system was getting to my head. It all vanished when I met a soldier who was proud to show me pictures of a Passover Seder.

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